A programme on “Addressing the causes for poverty and ensuring Food Security for farming communities” has been conducted with the fund allocation of Norwegian Caritas& NORAD.
Under this programme an awareness was given to the farmers, preschool children’s mothers, and school children to inspire them on the importance of Home Gardening using natural fertilizer and natural repellents with the notion of doing away with poisonous food production.
In the third year of the project our staff try to target another 2000 beneficiaries in the Division of Kuchchaveli, namely in the villages of Periyakulam, Thirumalpuram, Iqbalnagar, Thamaraikulam, Gopalapuram, Nilaveli, Valaiyootru, Irakkakandy, Kumpurupitty – North, Kumpurupitty – South, Navatcholai and Iranaikerny.
Details have been obtained from 600 beneficiaries and all of them were given an orientation, training on home gardening techniques along with PRA method of problem identification. All the 600 families were issued with vegetable seeds and plants. In order to encourage integrated farming 200 vulnerable families were given chicks to run a poultry each. 200 widows were chosen and given dry rations and this was given to those who have lost their jobs due to COVID – 19. In this distribution the Director EHED Caritas, the Project Coordinator, village level Government officers and the staff of EHED Caritas participated